La Confrontation Électrique : Ultra Bee 17KW vs. Stark Varg 50CV

The Electric Showdown: Ultra Bee 17KW vs. Stark Varg 50CV

Preamble: The Electric Challenge

The long-awaited hour has come: Jo and Will get out of the trailer their SUR-RON Ultra Bee equipped with the TORP TC1000 and their Stark Varg .
Armed with their in-depth knowledge of electric motorcycles and equipped for the occasion, they are finally preparing to pit these two motorcycles against each other on a motocross field.

First Act: The Confrontation

The first laps of the track are full of excitement and stimulating challenges.
The Ultra Bee, equipped with its original fork and delivering 17 kW of power, and the Stark Varg, with its different power adjustment modes, demonstrate all their power and agility with every turn and jump .

Second Act: The Performance

Despite the differences in technical specifications, both motorcycles offer exceptional performance in the field.
With their electric motors, they manage to outperform even the most powerful gasoline machines.

Third Act: The Exchange

Throughout the day, Jo & Will exchange insights and advice, sharing experiences to improve their performance on the track. Technical discussions abound, suspension and power settings are carefully scrutinized, with a constant concern for optimizing driving.

Conclusion: Autonomy

Jo & Will therefore drove 1h10 with the Stark Varg, bringing it to 5% battery remaining. The SUR-RON Ultra Bee almost consumed 2 original batteries.

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